Technology PRGF ® – Endoret ®


Plasma rich in growth factors

PRGF is based on obtaining certain preparation from these proteins, having a biologic activity, are also noticed the growth factors which stimulate and grow up tissue recovery.  
How does the PRGF ® – Endoret ® technology works?
When we have a wound, our body releases proteins, stimulating its repair process. 
With the technology PRGF ® – Endoret ® we can separate, from the patient’s blood, the plasma containing the proteins speeding up the recovery process. Once the therapeutic dose is applied in the treatment area, the recovery process is speeded up.
To obtain this process, it is necessary the harvesting of a small amount of blood from the patient. The blood is centrifuged and processed to obtain the proteins necessary for recovery. These proteins are then applied in the area where the recovery of the tissue is necessary. 
How does the PRGF ® – Endoret ® technology help us?
PRGF ® – Endoret ® speeds up the healing of the tissue and the regeneration process, reducing, in this time, the inflammation and the risk of infection or post-surgery complications. The use of PRGF ® – Endoret ® warrants important improvements in the recovery process, the lack of the pain and fast recovery of the patient. 
VERSATILITY is the aspect differentiating mostly the technology PRGF ® – Endoret ® from any other system using platelets rich in plasma (PRP).
It is possible to obtain, by one blood harvesting, of up to 3 different therapeutic formulas depending on the level of coagulation and activation of the samples. 
The fibrin membrane.
Elastic, dense, haemostatic and  with incorporated growth factors. It is one of the best biomaterials of the regenerative medicine.
The clot.
It is the perfect structure for cells. It can be used for filling defects of to form autogenous or heterogonous bone. 
The fluid.
It is used to moist the surface of the implants before screwing. 
Reduced blood volume. The blood volume used with the technology PRGF ® – Endoret ® is variable (from 9ml) and is perfectly adaptable to each treatment due to its simple formula.
Only one centrifuging.  The protocol established by the technology PRGF ® – Endoret ® provides only one centrifuging.
The therapeutic dose. The technology PRGF ® – Endoret ® uses concentrations of growth factors together with a therapeutic window to stimulate tissue recovery as proven in the in-vitro researches, on animals and in clinical trials. All to obtain a predictable result.
100% autogenous. PRGF ® – Endoret ® is the first technology on the market, 100% autogenous.
Without pro-inflammatory effects. Due to the fact that the WBC are not included in the formula, therefore the pro-inflammatory actions thereof is removed. 
Without unwanted defects. During the 15 years of treatments and studies, there were seen no unwanted effects of this technology. 
The technology PRGF ® – Endoret ® and its elements and components were specially designed by the departments of the Biotechnologic Institute (BTI) to obtain plasma rich in growth factors  (PRGF ® – Endoret ®).